South Devon and Dorset Coastal Advisory Group

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DEFRA High Level Targets

In April 2005 DEFRA issued 6 High Level Targets for Operating Authorities. The Operating Authorities include the Environment Agency, Internal Drainage Boards, Local Authorities and Maritime Local Authorities and are all responsible for providing coastal defence using the 6 High Level Targets are summarised below:-

Target 1 - Policy Delivery Statements

By When

By Whom

Maintain current and publicly available policy delivery statements setting out plans for delivering the Government's policy aim in relation to flood and coastal erosion risk management, and update as necessary.


All Operating Authorities

Target 2 - Information on the National Flood and Coastal Defence Database (NFCDD)



A. Record on the NFCDD all base information relating to flood and coastal defences in accordance with EA specifications.

31 March 2006

All operating authorities

B. Record on the NFCDD information on new or altered flood and coastal defences in accordance with EA specifications.

20 working days of completion

All operating authorities

C. Record on the NFCDD the results of inspections of watercourses and flood and coastal defence assets in accordance with EA specifications.

10 working days of inspection

Operating authority carrying out inspection

D. Record on the NFCDD the results of inspections of privately owned flood and coastal defence assets in accordance with EA specifications.

10 working days of inspection

The appropriate operating authority

Target 3-Shoreline Management Plans (SMP's)



Produce second generation SMP's in accordance with revised Defra guidance

Complete by March 2010.

Designated Lead Authorities

Target 4 - Biodiversity



A. Ensure no net loss to habitats covered by Biodiversity Action Plans and seek opportunities for environmental enhancements


All operating authorities

B. In consultation with English Nature, review Water Level Management Plans for all priority SSSI’s that are in unfavourable condition, and submit to the Environment Agency a costed action plan of flood management measures to achieve favourable condition

1 April 2007

All relevant operating authorities

C. In consultation with English Nature, assess the flood management measures necessary to achieve the PSA target for SSSIs not covered by WLMPs and submit to the Environment Agency a costed action plan of flood management measures to achieve favourable condition

1 April 2006

All relevant operating authorities

D. Report to the Environment Agency
i) flood and coastal erosion risk management measures taken that contributed to PSA target for SSSIs
ii)all losses and gains of habitats covered by UK Biodiversity Action Plans resulting from flood and erosion risk management operations

Annually by 1 April

All operating authorities

E. Environment Agency to report to Defra on the collated information from B, C and D above

Annually by 1 July

Environment Agency

F. Create at least 200 hectares of new Biodiversity habitat per annum as a result of flood management activities, of which at least 100 ha should be saltmarsh or mudflat


Environment Agency

Target 5 - Development in areas at risk of flooding and coastal erosion

A: Flood Risk: Report to Defra and ODPM on:Those local authority development plans upon which the Agency have commented, identifying plans which do, and do not, have flood risk statements or policies; and The Agency's response to planning applications, identifying cases where: (i) the Agency sustained objections on flood risk grounds; and(ii) final decisions, either by the LPA or on appeal, were in line with, or contrary to, Agency advice.

Annually by 30 September for year to previous 31 March

Environment Agency (in partnership with local planning authorities)

B: Coastal Erosion Risk: Report to Defra and ODPM on: Local authority development plans identifying the extent to which they contain coastal erosion statements and reflect the assessed risk of coastal erosion as set out in inter alia Shoreline Management Plans; Planning applications where coastal erosion was a material consideration and any conflicts between the final decision, either by the LPA or on appeal, with the assessed risks of coastal erosion.

Annually by 30 September for year to previous 31 March

Coast protection authorities

Target 6 - IDB organisation & administration

A. Report to Defra on progress in implementing previously issued guidance on IDB amalgamations, consortia and membership.

1 June annually

Association of Drainage Authorities

B. Respond to any requests for information from Defra or their agents.

As required


For more information on Defra's High Level Target please visit the Defra web site.










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